Mason Williams performing Cowboy Buckaroo and Fresh Fish, 1974

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Speaker 1: (Singing) Spurs a janglin, whoopie ti yi ya, Just a wrangling through every single day. (yodeling) Man should be a rootin tootin straight shootin cowboy buckaroo. A buckaroo's a cowboy who believes in what is good. A buckaroo wouldn't hurt you if he could. I ain't afraid to say it cus I ain't afraid of you. I'm a rootin tootin straight shootin cowboy buckaroo. Spurs a janglin, whoopie ti yi ya, Just a wrangling through every single day. (yodeling) I'm a rootin tootin straight shootin cowboy buckaroos. Should we be the way we are or be how we could be. could illusion become reality. I'd like to ask a question because the answer is overdue why can't we all ride together and be cowboy buckaroos. Spurs a janglin, whoopie ti yi ya, Just a wrangling through every single day. (yodeling). Why can't we all ride together and be cowboy buckaroos. (yodeling) Speaker 2: They want 25 seconds and 35 seconds. Speaker 3: Well, I for one, think you should vote for Nick Johnson, because he's the right man for the job. Speaker 2: Well, I'd like to second that notion. If you're sick of tricky Dick, get with untricky Nick. Speaker 3: Alright. Speaker 2: How's Drex, Nick? Speaker 3: Well, I'd like to go on record just saying I know Nick Johnson, because he had me over to his house one time in Washington, and he's a fine fella. Speaker 2: Yeah, I had a good time at his house too. Well, he wasn't satisfied with living at home. He wants to live in Congress. Speaker 3: Well, I'll tell you what about Nicholas Johnson. Now, the first time I ever met him was at Mason William's house, and I think he's a fine fella. Speaker 2: Who? Nick, we're watching television with the sound turned off. We've decided that you can tell someone's sincerity better with the sound off. What was it? Speaker 3: Well you can, I guess. Speaker 2: Yeah. That's why all those people have sunglasses on. Speaker 3: It's a lot of sunglasses on. Speaker 2: Yeah. Let's see. I liked it better before the [crosstalk 00:05:16]. Speaker 3: Hey listen Nick is running for Congress in Iowa. Speaker 4: Yeah. Speaker 3: Yeah. Why don't you play something on the fiddle. Speaker 4: Well I got it all packed. Speaker 3: Oh you packed it. Speaker 4: We really need to [inaudible] Speaker 3: Oh, we have to boogie? Speaker 4: We should, pretty soon. Speaker 3: Well, Nick, I know you're going to win, because everybody is getting tired of tricky Dick and all his friends. Speaker 4: No, let's get together sometime and really fix him up something. Speaker 3: Well, but he has to have it right now. That's the thing. Speaker 4: Well, you caught me off guard. I didn't know... Speaker 3: Well, let's do a serious one. Speaker 4: Well, we haven't got time now. Speaker 3: Oh we don't, okay. Well, they could probably use part of one. Speaker 4: Alright, but at a later date, maybe at the Red Rocks thing, let's get together and sit down in front of the tape recorder where we got some time on the other side of it, and really do a thing for him. Speaker 3: Okay. Speaker 4: Okay? Speaker 3: Yeah. Speaker 4: Alright. Speaker 3: Well, this one will have to do. Speaker 4: It's been did. Speaker 3: John's got to catch an airplane, Nicholas, so goodbye. Speaker 4: Nick, goodbye, and I didn't know you were running for Congress, but I'm glad to hear it, and if I can spread any good news about it, I will certainly try, and, in fact, I'm going to be in Washington day after tomorrow. By the time you hear this tape, I may have already seen you. Speaker 3: Yeah, he might be in Washington. You oughta check. Speaker 4: Yeah. Speaker 3: But he's in Iowa most of the time. Speaker 4: Whereabouts in Iowa? Speaker 3: Keesee or Kesley? Excuse me, I don't remember exactly. Keesee, it's probably Keesee or Kesley. Something like that. I can find out for you exactly. Speaker 3: Anyway, this will be good enough, don't you think? They can use parts of it. Speaker 4: [inaudible] of something else we could... Speaker 3: Yeah, well it's hard to get it all down. Speaker 4: I mostly want to get over there early, because you have to get there early to get your baggage to check through the system. Speaker 3: Yeah, okay, well we gotta go Nicholas. Goodbye.
