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6289 to 6336 of 6393 Objects


Virtue with a slow fuse. (Bottom): And where were our bright little angels when the bill was before Congress suthorizing the sale, lease or exchange of naval oil reserves?
Virtue with a slow fuse. (Bottom): And where were our bright little angels when the bill was before Congress suthorizing the sale, lease or exchange of naval oil reserves?
The riderless horse
The riderless horse
Oh! What a mess!
Oh! What a mess!
Seems as if we'd had those things long enough now to be used to them. (Optional line): The horse is all right if the folks in the buggy only don't get panicky
Seems as if we'd had those things long enough now to be used to them. (Optional line): The horse is all right if the folks in the buggy only don't get panicky
Rushing with first aid to the injured
Rushing with first aid to the injured
And no shepherd has since come forth to take his place. (Optional line): The flock has not done so well since he went away
And no shepherd has since come forth to take his place. (Optional line): The flock has not done so well since he went away
Waiting at the mud puddle
Waiting at the mud puddle
Can't anybody get in as long as that crowd stands on the rear platform
Can't anybody get in as long as that crowd stands on the rear platform
It's taken six years to get the stain out of the family carpet
It's taken six years to get the stain out of the family carpet
Well, somebody just had to tell her.
Well, somebody just had to tell her.
There must be a reason
There must be a reason
Probably Noah was likewise delayed
Probably Noah was likewise delayed
Why Gen. Johnson doesn't want anybody to stay out
Why Gen. Johnson doesn't want anybody to stay out
In seeking to discover new worlds don't mutiny before you get halfway there
In seeking to discover new worlds don't mutiny before you get halfway there
The old fashioned conservative who just dropped in for a glass of beer
The old fashioned conservative who just dropped in for a glass of beer
Anyone seeking a bargain inquire of South Dakota
Anyone seeking a bargain inquire of South Dakota
We always did feel that writing a letter to Santa Claus didn't do much good
We always did feel that writing a letter to Santa Claus didn't do much good
Calling out the women's battalions
Calling out the women's battalions
Let somebody try it that can ride
Let somebody try it that can ride
Giving business a nice rest between rounds
Giving business a nice rest between rounds
You were saying something about taxes weren't you---now prove it
You were saying something about taxes weren't you---now prove it
Ho, hi-ho, then off to work we go.
Ho, hi-ho, then off to work we go.
Positively embarrassing
Positively embarrassing
If anyone sees the Doctor, please tell him there's a very sick patient waiting to see him.
If anyone sees the Doctor, please tell him there's a very sick patient waiting to see him.
Beware the judgement of Solomon
Beware the judgement of Solomon
Aren't we odd? (Captions): We pick out an engineer for his ability to run the train--and then we elect men to the U.S. Senate who do nothing but tear up the track
Aren't we odd? (Captions): We pick out an engineer for his ability to run the train--and then we elect men to the U.S. Senate who do nothing but tear up the track
The demand for an extra sesssion of Congress
The demand for an extra sesssion of Congress
Ain't nature; wonderful? (If frost, drouth, hail and grasshoppers ruin half the wheat crop, the price jumps to $1.50 a bushel and everybody's happy--- but if anybody but nature tries to do it, wow, what a fuss!)
Ain't nature; wonderful? (If frost, drouth, hail and grasshoppers ruin half the wheat crop, the price jumps to $1.50 a bushel and everybody's happy--- but if anybody but nature tries to do it, wow, what a fuss!)
Don't look now. It might be unpleasant
Don't look now. It might be unpleasant
Quick delivery deserves prompt payment(Opt line: Surely you won`t refuse to pay for it, now that it has been delivered)
Quick delivery deserves prompt payment(Opt line: Surely you won`t refuse to pay for it, now that it has been delivered)
The political Dardanelles
The political Dardanelles
The magnificent view you discovered on your trip last year---and liked so well that you drove sixty miles out of your way to show it to your friends this year
The magnificent view you discovered on your trip last year---and liked so well that you drove sixty miles out of your way to show it to your friends this year
Nothing tickled the boys who have been on the firing line so much as when some speaker rebuked the scandal mongers for attacking innocent and worthy public servants with malicious and unfounded charges
Nothing tickled the boys who have been on the firing line so much as when some speaker rebuked the scandal mongers for attacking innocent and worthy public servants with malicious and unfounded charges
What you trying to do Governor, upset the band wagon?
What you trying to do Governor, upset the band wagon?
Now to keep it alive until November
Now to keep it alive until November
Under the bed
Under the bed
If it were only that easy
If it were only that easy
Late bulletins from Philadelphia
Late bulletins from Philadelphia
Oh just a couple of guys you wouldn't know
Oh just a couple of guys you wouldn't know
The spenders
The spenders
Why, oh why can't we leave them alone? (Captions): The government has decided to educate them some more; so they can be like us; and maybe if Father is lucky he can get a job in the city as a porter or something.
Why, oh why can't we leave them alone? (Captions): The government has decided to educate them some more; so they can be like us; and maybe if Father is lucky he can get a job in the city as a porter or something.
If we could keep politics from clogging the machinery, it would work a lot better.
If we could keep politics from clogging the machinery, it would work a lot better.
You can't arrest a body for just lookin'
You can't arrest a body for just lookin'
It makes a difference whose ox is being gored
It makes a difference whose ox is being gored
You see he only met her a few days ago
You see he only met her a few days ago
There will be some who don't get the principle of the thing at first
There will be some who don't get the principle of the thing at first
Somebody's liable to get a bent fender or something
Somebody's liable to get a bent fender or something
Sh-h-h-h! Our guests might not think we're glad to see them
Sh-h-h-h! Our guests might not think we're glad to see them
