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What Iowa gets with Harding
What Iowa gets with Harding
The mobilization of Iowa reservists
The mobilization of Iowa reservists
The gentleman from Iowa changes the subject
The gentleman from Iowa changes the subject
Weather forecast for Iowa: generally fair and rainy
Weather forecast for Iowa: generally fair and rainy
The 90 year blazed trail of Iowa history
The 90 year blazed trail of Iowa history
Corn isn't all that grows tall in Iowa
Corn isn't all that grows tall in Iowa
What Iowa will be famous for with transcontinental tourists
What Iowa will be famous for with transcontinental tourists
Iowa has come a long way in a hundred years
Iowa has come a long way in a hundred years
John T. Hamilton's idea of how to boost Iowa
John T. Hamilton's idea of how to boost Iowa
Suggested as a campaign emblem for WL Harding--when he runs for Governor of Iowa
Suggested as a campaign emblem for WL Harding--when he runs for Governor of Iowa
Father Iowa: Gee, Mother, I didn't know we had raised so many!
Father Iowa: Gee, Mother, I didn't know we had raised so many!
Does Iowa want to trade his birthright for a mess of pottage?
Does Iowa want to trade his birthright for a mess of pottage?
Iowa has lost a friend, the people a champion and the nation a strong man
Iowa has lost a friend, the people a champion and the nation a strong man
If it isn't good for your daughter and your neighbor's son, it isn't good for Iowa
If it isn't good for your daughter and your neighbor's son, it isn't good for Iowa
Senator Dickinson of Iowa sounds the key note. (Bottom): No one else can get a word in edgeways
Senator Dickinson of Iowa sounds the key note. (Bottom): No one else can get a word in edgeways
Why shouldn't the Iowa youth make good football players? They've been in training since we can remember
Why shouldn't the Iowa youth make good football players? They've been in training since we can remember
Why drain the Iowa lakes to make farmland?(Middle) Until we reclaim the thousands of acres of fertile dry land in Iowa and get it under cultivation-(Bottom) Why should we be in such a hurry to drain dry the few beauty spots to make farmland?
Why drain the Iowa lakes to make farmland?(Middle) Until we reclaim the thousands of acres of fertile dry land in Iowa and get it under cultivation-(Bottom) Why should we be in such a hurry to drain dry the few beauty spots to make farmland?
To sacred memories and forgotten hatreds
To sacred memories and forgotten hatreds
We've sent for the specialists; now why not wait and give them a chance?
We've sent for the specialists; now why not wait and give them a chance?
The Doctor will be here any minute now?
The Doctor will be here any minute now?
Dickens' Oliver Twist up to date
Dickens' Oliver Twist up to date
My how he has grown
My how he has grown
From another point of view
From another point of view
The city council will now look for the rat
The city council will now look for the rat
Go on, old fellow. It may be an awful shock to your system but you'll feel a heap better for it
Go on, old fellow. It may be an awful shock to your system but you'll feel a heap better for it
If our state fair were located in Europe
If our state fair were located in Europe
The return ticket
The return ticket
An easy remedy
An easy remedy
Bondsman Slater's testimony for (?) the police
Bondsman Slater's testimony for (?) the police
Isn't it strange?
Isn't it strange?
Remember your last water bill?
Remember your last water bill?
With affectionate greetings to one of Iowa's greats
With affectionate greetings to one of Iowa's greats
And the boys were trying so hard to sneak in without waking anybody
And the boys were trying so hard to sneak in without waking anybody
And don't let me speak to you again!
And don't let me speak to you again!
From wall-eyed pike to sardines
From wall-eyed pike to sardines
King for today
King for today
Some of our most distinguished citizens are in town today
Some of our most distinguished citizens are in town today
There's some virtue in old traditions
There's some virtue in old traditions
Now that the corn is safe
Now that the corn is safe
Judge Lee's enthusiastic reception
Judge Lee's enthusiastic reception
We will all be listening Mr. President
We will all be listening Mr. President
April's fool -- and a big one at that
April's fool -- and a big one at that
The favorite customer: Please send me quite a lot of everything
The favorite customer: Please send me quite a lot of everything
Where your Christmas purchase will register a smile in Belgium
Where your Christmas purchase will register a smile in Belgium
The lone duck in the brood
The lone duck in the brood
Have you put in your winter's coal yet? So have we
Have you put in your winter's coal yet? So have we
Come on in Herbert and sit down and tell us all about everything
Come on in Herbert and sit down and tell us all about everything
Tickling the world's palate
Tickling the world's palate
