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In Iowa?---then where not?
In Iowa?---then where not?
The back to nature movement in Iowa
The back to nature movement in Iowa
Do we really want the salon back in Iowa?
Do we really want the salon back in Iowa?
Iowa expects every man to do his duty
Iowa expects every man to do his duty
Iowa should get her own horn and blow it
Iowa should get her own horn and blow it
When the new anti-tipping law goes into effect in Iowa
When the new anti-tipping law goes into effect in Iowa
The New York to Paris automobilists are expected through Iowa soon.
The New York to Paris automobilists are expected through Iowa soon.
Ding Darling audio clip, letter to Jack Bender, November 9, 1961
Ding Darling audio clip, letter to Jack Bender, November 9, 1961
Not eventually but now
Not eventually but now
Chorus from below--just wait 'till next election.
Chorus from below--just wait 'till next election.
Our neighbor--do you know him? [subtitle] Will tell you all about making the city beautiful, civic pride, etc.--but never shovels the snow from his own sidewalk.
Our neighbor--do you know him? [subtitle] Will tell you all about making the city beautiful, civic pride, etc.--but never shovels the snow from his own sidewalk.
The tombs of their ancestors. The unceremonious funeral procession.
The tombs of their ancestors. The unceremonious funeral procession.
The tombs of our ancestors. (Optional line): The unceremonious procession
The tombs of our ancestors. (Optional line): The unceremonious procession
We have with us today
We have with us today
The President's nice restful vacation trip
The President's nice restful vacation trip
The influence of the art of Millet on the modern municipal street gang
The influence of the art of Millet on the modern municipal street gang
When is a reformer not a reformer? [subtitle] For the answer watch the proceedings of the legislature in the coming senatorial fight.
When is a reformer not a reformer? [subtitle] For the answer watch the proceedings of the legislature in the coming senatorial fight.
We'll be thinking about you every day son
We'll be thinking about you every day son
The rich father; the rich father's son.
The rich father; the rich father's son.
Modern philanthropy
Modern philanthropy
Ask the dog who it is that is mad
Ask the dog who it is that is mad
Alas! Christmas comes but once a year
Alas! Christmas comes but once a year
Nobody loves him
Nobody loves him
Tag Day.
Tag Day.
A painless tax, like a painless dentist, hasn't yet been discovered
A painless tax, like a painless dentist, hasn't yet been discovered
Some folks pick the queerest places to look for their Thanksgiving turkey!
Some folks pick the queerest places to look for their Thanksgiving turkey!
Those things are sometimes harder to play than they look
Those things are sometimes harder to play than they look
A timely reminder
A timely reminder
A lot of good it does that boy to go to school
A lot of good it does that boy to go to school
The reward of his own neglect
The reward of his own neglect
Why not put Ponzi and the Huckins boys on the committee to pry loose the hoarded money
Why not put Ponzi and the Huckins boys on the committee to pry loose the hoarded money
Resolved that women have a harder life than men
Resolved that women have a harder life than men
The outgrowth of our own civic negligence
The outgrowth of our own civic negligence
We meet and wrestle with our national problems
We meet and wrestle with our national problems
Blaming it on the bear
Blaming it on the bear
The boy that delivers the paper tells the world
The boy that delivers the paper tells the world
Had you noticed it too?
Had you noticed it too?
A delegate brings home a couple of friends he met at the convention
A delegate brings home a couple of friends he met at the convention
The reef of Norman's woe
The reef of Norman's woe
Nobody's fault but their own
Nobody's fault but their own
Wonder if he's tried our cantaloupes?
Wonder if he's tried our cantaloupes?
The opening for the fall sports season
The opening for the fall sports season
Aren't we good?
Aren't we good?
There are times when the human intelligence seems inadequate to meet the problems of life
There are times when the human intelligence seems inadequate to meet the problems of life
When the sole owners of the road meet the sole proprietors
When the sole owners of the road meet the sole proprietors
Great days---for the undertaker
Great days---for the undertaker
Who then shall be saved?
Who then shall be saved?
Sometimes we almost fear that everyone is not aware that right always triumphs over might
Sometimes we almost fear that everyone is not aware that right always triumphs over might
