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State University of Iowa Symphony Orchestra
State University of Iowa Symphony Orchestra
Choral music at Iowa, 1963
Choral music at Iowa, 1963
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, 1941-42 Season
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, 1941-42 Season
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 17, 1965
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 17, 1965
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 8, 2000
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 8, 2000
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 28, 2000
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 28, 2000
The Yeoman of the Guard, opera, July 14 - 16, 2000
The Yeoman of the Guard, opera, July 14 - 16, 2000
Summer Session Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 16, 1939
Summer Session Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 16, 1939
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 5, 1947
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 5, 1947
Summer Session Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 26, 1944
Summer Session Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 26, 1944
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, December 20, 1943
University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, December 20, 1943
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, April 17, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, April 17, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 28, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 28, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, May 15, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, May 15, 1940
High School Music Festival, ensemble concert, May 3, 1940
High School Music Festival, ensemble concert, May 3, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, program insert, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, program insert, 1940
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 22, 1939
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 22, 1939
The Messiah, presented by the University Chorus and University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, December 20, 1944
The Messiah, presented by the University Chorus and University Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, December 20, 1944
Easter Music presented by the University Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 28, 1945
Easter Music presented by the University Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 28, 1945
University Symphony Orchestra, University Choir, Oratorio Chorus, ensemble concert, September 30, 1972
University Symphony Orchestra, University Choir, Oratorio Chorus, ensemble concert, September 30, 1972
Symphony Orchestra, Marcia Roberts, mezzo-soprano, ensemble concert, February 27, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, Marcia Roberts, mezzo-soprano, ensemble concert, February 27, 1991
Sister Angelica, opera, Gianni Chicchi, opera, May 2 and 4, 1997
Sister Angelica, opera, Gianni Chicchi, opera, May 2 and 4, 1997
Symphony Orchestra and Choirs, Sacred Service, ensemble concert, April 9, 1997
Symphony Orchestra and Choirs, Sacred Service, ensemble concert, April 9, 1997
The Mikado, opera, July 25 and 27, 1997
The Mikado, opera, July 25 and 27, 1997
Summer Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 2, 1997
Summer Orchestra, ensemble concert, July 2, 1997
Symphony Orchestra, Maurita Murphy Mead, clarinet, ensemble concert, September 24, 1997
Symphony Orchestra, Maurita Murphy Mead, clarinet, ensemble concert, September 24, 1997
Symphony Orchestra, Kristin Thelander, horn, ensemble concert, February 12, 1997
Symphony Orchestra, Kristin Thelander, horn, ensemble concert, February 12, 1997
Symphony Orchestra and Choruses, ensemble concert, December 4, 1996
Symphony Orchestra and Choruses, ensemble concert, December 4, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, September 25, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, September 25, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Mark Weiger, oboe, ensemble concert, June 27, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Mark Weiger, oboe, ensemble concert, June 27, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Uriel Tsachor, piano, ensemble concert, October 23, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Uriel Tsachor, piano, ensemble concert, October 23, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Marcia Roberts, mezzo-soprano, Stephen Swanson, baritone, ensemble concert, November 8, 1996
Symphony Orchestra, Marcia Roberts, mezzo-soprano, Stephen Swanson, baritone, ensemble concert, November 8, 1996
Il Trovatore, opera, July 29 and 28, 1991
Il Trovatore, opera, July 29 and 28, 1991
A Midsummer Night's Dream, opera, April 19 and 21, 1991
A Midsummer Night's Dream, opera, April 19 and 21, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, Scott McCoy, tenor, Kristin Pederson Thelander, horn, September 25, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, Scott McCoy, tenor, Kristin Pederson Thelander, horn, September 25, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, October 23, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, October 23, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, Réne Lecuona, piano, ensemble concert, July 3, 1991
Symphony Orchestra, Réne Lecuona, piano, ensemble concert, July 3, 1991
Symphony Orchestra & Choruses, Ein Deutches Requiem, ensemble concert, March 27, 1991
Symphony Orchestra & Choruses, Ein Deutches Requiem, ensemble concert, March 27, 1991
The University Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 28, 1956
The University Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, March 28, 1956
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 29, 1956
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, February 29, 1956
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, January 25, 1956
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, January 25, 1956
The Dream of Gerontius, Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, ensemble concert, March 18, 1953
The Dream of Gerontius, Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, ensemble concert, March 18, 1953
Christmas Concert, University Symphony Orchestra, Chorus, Soloists, ensemble concert, December 14, 1955
Christmas Concert, University Symphony Orchestra, Chorus, Soloists, ensemble concert, December 14, 1955
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 30, 1955
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, November 30, 1955
Memorial Concert of Compositions by Philip Greeley Clapp (1888-1954), ensemble concert, May 26, 1954
Memorial Concert of Compositions by Philip Greeley Clapp (1888-1954), ensemble concert, May 26, 1954
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, April 27, 1955
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, April 27, 1955
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, January 26, 1955
Symphony Orchestra, ensemble concert, January 26, 1955
The Requiem Mass by Hector Berlioz, University Symphony Orchestra and University Chorus, ensemble concert, May 26, 1955
The Requiem Mass by Hector Berlioz, University Symphony Orchestra and University Chorus, ensemble concert, May 26, 1955
