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1 to 48 of 120 Objects


Moscab, Drosky, Russia
Moscab, Drosky, Russia
Sketch pad by Drewelowe, 1943
Sketch pad by Drewelowe, 1943
Monastary Lavra, Russia
Monastary Lavra, Russia
Dr. Rogosinski to be citizen
Dr. Rogosinski to be citizen
Rickrack rimrock
Rickrack rimrock
Square rigger
Square rigger
Chapel Tiflis (Armenian, 17th Century)
Chapel Tiflis (Armenian, 17th Century)
The spirit of Lincoln's mother, 1943
The spirit of Lincoln's mother, 1943
Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln Monument, 1943
Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln Monument, 1943
Shangri L'Affaires, no. 12, 1943
Shangri L'Affaires, no. 12, 1943
Eight Oblongs
Eight Oblongs
Stallion and Jack Fighting
Stallion and Jack Fighting
Morning Train or Soldier's Farewell
Morning Train or Soldier's Farewell
Night Firing or Tobacco Firing
Night Firing or Tobacco Firing
Hungarian-American Farm
Hungarian-American Farm
Eye in Window
Eye in Window
Place of Sorrow, India
Place of Sorrow, India
Beyond the Elm
Beyond the Elm
Wiley B. Rutledge
Wiley B. Rutledge
Shangri L'Affaires, no. 10, 1943
Shangri L'Affaires, no. 10, 1943
Acolyte, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5, Fall 1943
Acolyte, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5, Fall 1943
Acolyte, v. 1, issue 4, Summer 1943
Acolyte, v. 1, issue 4, Summer 1943
Pegasus, v. 2, issue 1, Summer 1943
Pegasus, v. 2, issue 1, Summer 1943
Acolyte, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, Spring 1943
Acolyte, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, Spring 1943
Erebus, issue 4, 1943
Erebus, issue 4, 1943
Walt's Wramblings, issue 4, circa 1943
Walt's Wramblings, issue 4, circa 1943
John Serrano, Ray Castell, Pete Aguilera, and Lupe Martinez at Cook's Point, circa 1943
John Serrano, Ray Castell, Pete Aguilera, and Lupe Martinez at Cook's Point, circa 1943
Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
Cruise of the Foo Foo Special Jr, by Art Widner, Jr., 1943
Cruise of the Foo Foo Special Jr, by Art Widner, Jr., 1943
Karneval (Carnival)
Karneval (Carnival)
Nile Kinnick's Declaration of Principles article, 1943
Nile Kinnick's Declaration of Principles article, 1943
Nile Kinnick reflections on his parents, 1943
Nile Kinnick reflections on his parents, 1943
Nile Kinnick, Sr. attends dedication of drill hall commissioned in honor of his son, 1943
Nile Kinnick, Sr. attends dedication of drill hall commissioned in honor of his son, 1943
Pre-crash letter reveals Kinnick's love of Iowa, 1943
Pre-crash letter reveals Kinnick's love of Iowa, 1943
Nile Kinnick dies like all-American he was, 1943
Nile Kinnick dies like all-American he was, 1943
Four University of Iowa ex-athletes on World War II casualty list, 1943
Four University of Iowa ex-athletes on World War II casualty list, 1943
Treasury Star Parade pays tribute to Nile Kinnick, 1943
Treasury Star Parade pays tribute to Nile Kinnick, 1943
Martha Graham Company in
Martha Graham Company in "Death and Entrances"
Seaweed 2
Seaweed 2
Untitled (Provincetown)
Untitled (Provincetown)
Letting the genie out of the bottle [subtitle] the Des Moines Register & Tribune, 1943
Letting the genie out of the bottle [subtitle] the Des Moines Register & Tribune, 1943
