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1 to 43 of 43 Objects
IMLS number: 1686-004, Eclaircissemens de quelques difficultez que l'on a formées sur le Livre de la sainteté et des devoirs de la vie monastique
IMLS number: 1686-004, Eclaircissemens de quelques difficultez que l'on a formées sur le Livre de la sainteté et des devoirs de la vie monastique
IMLS number: 1648-002, The theatre of Gods judgements: wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, great and small, specially against the most eminent persons in the world whose exorbitant power had broke through the
IMLS number: 1648-002, The theatre of Gods judgements: wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, great and small, specially against the most eminent persons in the world whose exorbitant power had broke through the
IMLS number: 1684-003, Abregé de l'histoire de l'Ordre de S. Benoist, où, il est parlé des saints, des hommes illustres, de la fondation, & des principaux évenemens des monasteres : le tout tiré des actes des saints, des chroniques, & des chartes des
IMLS number: 1684-003, Abregé de l'histoire de l'Ordre de S. Benoist, où, il est parlé des saints, des hommes illustres, de la fondation, & des principaux évenemens des monasteres : le tout tiré des actes des saints, des chroniques, & des chartes des
IMLS number: 1696-007, Relations de divers voyages curieux, qui n'ont point esté publie'es, et qu'on a traduit ou tiré des originaux des voyageurs francois, espagnols, allemands, portugais, anglois, hollandois, persans, arabes et autres originaux
IMLS number: 1696-007, Relations de divers voyages curieux, qui n'ont point esté publie'es, et qu'on a traduit ou tiré des originaux des voyageurs francois, espagnols, allemands, portugais, anglois, hollandois, persans, arabes et autres originaux
IMLS number: 1679-005, His Majesties declaration for the dissolution of His late Privy-Council, and for constituting a new one, : made in the Council-Chamber at Whitehall, April the twentieth, 1679
IMLS number: 1679-005, His Majesties declaration for the dissolution of His late Privy-Council, and for constituting a new one, : made in the Council-Chamber at Whitehall, April the twentieth, 1679
IMLS number: 1782-001, Some observations and remarks on a late publication, intitled, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
IMLS number: 1782-001, Some observations and remarks on a late publication, intitled, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
IMLS number: 1709-002, The Compleat geographer: or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. To which is premis'd an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements .... The whole containing the su
IMLS number: 1709-002, The Compleat geographer: or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. To which is premis'd an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements .... The whole containing the su
IMLS number: 1688-003, Memoires.
IMLS number: 1688-003, Memoires.
IMLS number: 1737-001, Les plus belles lettres françoises sur toutes sortes de sujets, tirées des meilleurs auteurs, avec des notes
IMLS number: 1737-001, Les plus belles lettres françoises sur toutes sortes de sujets, tirées des meilleurs auteurs, avec des notes
IMLS number: 1887-004, Gramática de la lengua zapoteca
IMLS number: 1887-004, Gramática de la lengua zapoteca
IMLS number: 1876-001, Louisiana as it is: its topography and material resources; its cotton, sugar cane, rice and tobacco fields; its corn and grain lands, climate and people of the state. Reliable information for any who may desire to settle or purchase
IMLS number: 1876-001, Louisiana as it is: its topography and material resources; its cotton, sugar cane, rice and tobacco fields; its corn and grain lands, climate and people of the state. Reliable information for any who may desire to settle or purchase
IMLS number: 1557-001, Biblia : vtriusque Testamenti : de quorum noua interpretatione et copiosissimus in eam annotationibus lege quam in limine operis habes epistolam
IMLS number: 1557-001, Biblia : vtriusque Testamenti : de quorum noua interpretatione et copiosissimus in eam annotationibus lege quam in limine operis habes epistolam
IMLS number: 1566-004, Hoi tēs hēroïkēs poiēseōs prōteuontes poiētai kai alloi tines ... Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis, et alii nunnulli. Homervs, Hesiodvs, Orphevs, Callim., Aratvs, Nicand., Theocrit., Moschvs, Bion, Dionysivs, Colvthv
IMLS number: 1566-004, Hoi tēs hēroïkēs poiēseōs prōteuontes poiētai kai alloi tines ... Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis, et alii nunnulli. Homervs, Hesiodvs, Orphevs, Callim., Aratvs, Nicand., Theocrit., Moschvs, Bion, Dionysivs, Colvthv
IMLS number: 1655-005, Traitez tovchant les droits dv Roy Tres-Chrestien svr plvsievrs estats et seignevries possedées par diuers Princes voisins: et povr provver qv'il tient a ivste titre plusieurs Prouinces contestées par les Princes Estrangers. Reche
IMLS number: 1655-005, Traitez tovchant les droits dv Roy Tres-Chrestien svr plvsievrs estats et seignevries possedées par diuers Princes voisins: et povr provver qv'il tient a ivste titre plusieurs Prouinces contestées par les Princes Estrangers. Reche
IMLS number: 1679-010, A letter to the Jesuits in prison, shewing them how they may get out
IMLS number: 1679-010, A letter to the Jesuits in prison, shewing them how they may get out
IMLS number: 1607-001, Les ouvertures des parlements. : Ausquelles sont adjoustées cinq remonstrances, autrefois faictes en iceluy
IMLS number: 1607-001, Les ouvertures des parlements. : Ausquelles sont adjoustées cinq remonstrances, autrefois faictes en iceluy
IMLS number: 1773-003, Justa repulsa de iniquias acusaciones : carta, en que manifestando las imposturas, que contra el Teatro critico y su autor, dió al público el R.P. Fr. Francisco Soto Marne ...
IMLS number: 1773-003, Justa repulsa de iniquias acusaciones : carta, en que manifestando las imposturas, que contra el Teatro critico y su autor, dió al público el R.P. Fr. Francisco Soto Marne ...
IMLS number: 1887-003, Gramática de la lengua zapoteca
IMLS number: 1887-003, Gramática de la lengua zapoteca
IMLS number: 1843-002, The Boston medical and surgical journal
IMLS number: 1843-002, The Boston medical and surgical journal
IMLS number: 1827-003, Jean Paul’s Fammtlichewerte, XXXIII
IMLS number: 1827-003, Jean Paul’s Fammtlichewerte, XXXIII
IMLS number: 1655-002, Notitiae regni Franciae
IMLS number: 1655-002, Notitiae regni Franciae
IMLS number: 1603-005, Historia monastica : quae religiosae et solitariae vitae originem, progressiones, incrementa, & naturam, ex scriptura sacra, ex pontifico & caesareo iure, ex antiquissimis historijs, ex veterum patrum, atque iurisconsultorum scripti
IMLS number: 1603-005, Historia monastica : quae religiosae et solitariae vitae originem, progressiones, incrementa, & naturam, ex scriptura sacra, ex pontifico & caesareo iure, ex antiquissimis historijs, ex veterum patrum, atque iurisconsultorum scripti
IMLS number: 1740-005, Philosophia rationalis sive logica, methodo scientifica pertractata et ad usum scientiarum atque vitae aptata
IMLS number: 1740-005, Philosophia rationalis sive logica, methodo scientifica pertractata et ad usum scientiarum atque vitae aptata
IMLS number: 1681-004, Grimalkin; or, The rebel-cat: a novell. Representing the unwearied attempts of the beasts of his faction against sovereignty and succession since the death of the Lyons in the Tower
IMLS number: 1681-004, Grimalkin; or, The rebel-cat: a novell. Representing the unwearied attempts of the beasts of his faction against sovereignty and succession since the death of the Lyons in the Tower
IMLS number: 1681-007, A collection of the substance of several speeches and debates made in the ... House of commons, relating to the ... popish plot, upon occasion of the bill for disabling James duke of York from inheriting the imperial crown of this r
IMLS number: 1681-007, A collection of the substance of several speeches and debates made in the ... House of commons, relating to the ... popish plot, upon occasion of the bill for disabling James duke of York from inheriting the imperial crown of this r
IMLS number: 1702-001, Roman history, from the building of the city, to the perfect settlement of the Empire by Augustus Caesar. Containing the space of 727 years. Design'd as well for the understanding of the Roman authors, as the Roman affairs
IMLS number: 1702-001, Roman history, from the building of the city, to the perfect settlement of the Empire by Augustus Caesar. Containing the space of 727 years. Design'd as well for the understanding of the Roman authors, as the Roman affairs
IMLS number: 1682-005, The History of the Association, containing all the debates in the last House of Commons, at Westminster: concerning an Association, for the preservation of the Kings person, and the security of the Protestant religion
IMLS number: 1682-005, The History of the Association, containing all the debates in the last House of Commons, at Westminster: concerning an Association, for the preservation of the Kings person, and the security of the Protestant religion
IMLS number: 1584-005, Thesavrvs lingvae Romanae & Britannicae, tam accurate congestus, vt nihil penè in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latinè complectatur ampliss imus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglicè, toties aucta Eliotae Bibliotheca
IMLS number: 1584-005, Thesavrvs lingvae Romanae & Britannicae, tam accurate congestus, vt nihil penè in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latinè complectatur ampliss imus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglicè, toties aucta Eliotae Bibliotheca
IMLS number: 1644-001, De necessaria dei gratia.
IMLS number: 1644-001, De necessaria dei gratia.
IMLS number: 1689-002, The reflections of the reverend and learned Monsieur Jurieu upon the strange and miraculous exstasies of Isabel Vincent, the shepherdess of Saou in Dauphiné ... as also upon the wonderful and portentous trumpetings and singing of p
IMLS number: 1689-002, The reflections of the reverend and learned Monsieur Jurieu upon the strange and miraculous exstasies of Isabel Vincent, the shepherdess of Saou in Dauphiné ... as also upon the wonderful and portentous trumpetings and singing of p
IMLS number: 1639-001, Andr. Taurelli I.C. Heros in solio diuinitatis, siue de rebus gestis in sacro principatu Vrbani VIII. Pont. Opt. Max. Panegyricus ...
IMLS number: 1639-001, Andr. Taurelli I.C. Heros in solio diuinitatis, siue de rebus gestis in sacro principatu Vrbani VIII. Pont. Opt. Max. Panegyricus ...
IMLS number: 1554-007, Gulielmi Rondeletii Doctoris medici et medicinae in schola Monspeliensi professoris regii Libri de piscibus marinis, : in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt. ; Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus p
IMLS number: 1554-007, Gulielmi Rondeletii Doctoris medici et medicinae in schola Monspeliensi professoris regii Libri de piscibus marinis, : in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt. ; Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus p
IMLS number: 1832-001, Memoirs of Doctor Burney
IMLS number: 1832-001, Memoirs of Doctor Burney
IMLS number: 1495-010, Lucretius
IMLS number: 1495-010, Lucretius
IMLS number: 1690-001, Summa theologiae scholasticae
IMLS number: 1690-001, Summa theologiae scholasticae
IMLS number: 1792-001, Voyage a la Mer Rouge, sur les cotes de l'Arabie, en Egypte, et dans les déserts de la Thébaide : suivi d'un autre de Venice à Bassorali par Latiqué, Alep, les déserts, etc. dans les années 1780 et 1781
IMLS number: 1792-001, Voyage a la Mer Rouge, sur les cotes de l'Arabie, en Egypte, et dans les déserts de la Thébaide : suivi d'un autre de Venice à Bassorali par Latiqué, Alep, les déserts, etc. dans les années 1780 et 1781
IMLS number: 1881-004, Louisiana products, resources, and attractions : with a sketch of the parishes : a hand book of reliable information concerning the state
IMLS number: 1881-004, Louisiana products, resources, and attractions : with a sketch of the parishes : a hand book of reliable information concerning the state
IMLS number: 1610-002, The catalogue of honor; or, Tresvry of trve nobility, pecvliar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine: that is to say: a collection historicall of all the free monarches as well kinges of England as Scotland (nowe vnited togither)
IMLS number: 1610-002, The catalogue of honor; or, Tresvry of trve nobility, pecvliar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine: that is to say: a collection historicall of all the free monarches as well kinges of England as Scotland (nowe vnited togither)
IMLS number: 1695-006, ... De historia Jansenismi libri VI
IMLS number: 1695-006, ... De historia Jansenismi libri VI
IMLS number: 1679-014, The trial, conviction and condemnation of Andrew Brommich and William Atkins for being Romish priests, before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs. Together with the tryal of Charles Kern, at Hereford assizes last for
IMLS number: 1679-014, The trial, conviction and condemnation of Andrew Brommich and William Atkins for being Romish priests, before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs. Together with the tryal of Charles Kern, at Hereford assizes last for
IMLS number: 1696-002, De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: : Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ anno Dom. MDCXLVII
IMLS number: 1696-002, De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: : Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ anno Dom. MDCXLVII
IMLS number: 1890-001, The Doré Bible gallery, containing one hundred superb illustrations and a page of explanatory letter-press facing each
IMLS number: 1890-001, The Doré Bible gallery, containing one hundred superb illustrations and a page of explanatory letter-press facing each
IMLS number: 1689-005, Petri et Francisci Pithoei, jurisconsultorum, Observationes ad Codicem et Novellas Justiniani, Imperatoris, per Julianum translatas : accedit legum Romanarum et Mosaïcarum collatio notis ilustrata, ex bibliotheca .... Claudii Le Pe
IMLS number: 1689-005, Petri et Francisci Pithoei, jurisconsultorum, Observationes ad Codicem et Novellas Justiniani, Imperatoris, per Julianum translatas : accedit legum Romanarum et Mosaïcarum collatio notis ilustrata, ex bibliotheca .... Claudii Le Pe