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1 to 48 of 63 Objects


IMLS number: 1485-014, Chronicles of England
IMLS number: 1485-014, Chronicles of England
IMLS number: 14uu-032, Alphabets, geometrically constructed, textura and rotunda letters
IMLS number: 14uu-032, Alphabets, geometrically constructed, textura and rotunda letters
IMLS number: 1747-003, Untitled
IMLS number: 1747-003, Untitled
IMLS number: 1481-008, Manipulus curatorum
IMLS number: 1481-008, Manipulus curatorum
IMLS number: 1480-016, Philalethes
IMLS number: 1480-016, Philalethes
IMLS number: 1482-009, Buch der heiligen Altvätter
IMLS number: 1482-009, Buch der heiligen Altvätter
IMLS number: 1518-004, L. Domitii Brusonii ... Facetiarvm exemplorvmq. libri VII
IMLS number: 1518-004, L. Domitii Brusonii ... Facetiarvm exemplorvmq. libri VII
IMLS number: 1490-003, Catholicon
IMLS number: 1490-003, Catholicon
IMLS number: 1586-008, Metamorphoseon libri XV
IMLS number: 1586-008, Metamorphoseon libri XV
IMLS number: 1586-003, Moyens d'abvs, entreprises et nvllitez, dv rescrit et bvlle dv pape Sixte V. du nom, en date du mois de Septembre 1585. Contre le serenissime prince, Henry de Bovrbon, roy de Nauarre, seigneur souuerain de Bearn, premier prince du s
IMLS number: 1586-003, Moyens d'abvs, entreprises et nvllitez, dv rescrit et bvlle dv pape Sixte V. du nom, en date du mois de Septembre 1585. Contre le serenissime prince, Henry de Bovrbon, roy de Nauarre, seigneur souuerain de Bearn, premier prince du s
IMLS number: 1523-003, Artickel so Herr Ulrich Zwinly [sic] auff Dornstag vor Lichtmess Anno. M. DXXiii. offentlich disputiert und mit der evangelischen Warheit behalten hatt. Furschrifft eines ersamen Raths der Stat Zürich an alle Pfarherr, Leutpriester
IMLS number: 1523-003, Artickel so Herr Ulrich Zwinly [sic] auff Dornstag vor Lichtmess Anno. M. DXXiii. offentlich disputiert und mit der evangelischen Warheit behalten hatt. Furschrifft eines ersamen Raths der Stat Zürich an alle Pfarherr, Leutpriester
IMLS number: 1478-014, Il libro della agricultura
IMLS number: 1478-014, Il libro della agricultura
IMLS number: 14uu-017, Summa de vitiis
IMLS number: 14uu-017, Summa de vitiis
IMLS number: 1823-002, Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren : with a brief view of the progress of architecture in England, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the First to the end of the seventeenth century ; and an appendix of au
IMLS number: 1823-002, Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren : with a brief view of the progress of architecture in England, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the First to the end of the seventeenth century ; and an appendix of au
IMLS number: 1522-003, Ad illustrem principem & dominum D. Georgium Saxonie ducẽ, Thuringie lãdtgravium et Misne marchionem: De re Lutherana
IMLS number: 1522-003, Ad illustrem principem & dominum D. Georgium Saxonie ducẽ, Thuringie lãdtgravium et Misne marchionem: De re Lutherana
IMLS number: 1720-005, Les coutumes du pais et duché d'Angoumois, Aunis et gouvernement de La Rochelle
IMLS number: 1720-005, Les coutumes du pais et duché d'Angoumois, Aunis et gouvernement de La Rochelle
IMLS number: 1479-006, Casis Longi
IMLS number: 1479-006, Casis Longi
IMLS number: 1625-001, Impp. romanorum numismata... editio altera.
IMLS number: 1625-001, Impp. romanorum numismata... editio altera.
IMLS number: 1493-009, Sermones
IMLS number: 1493-009, Sermones
IMLS number: 1895-003, Memoirs of the life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik : baronet, baron of the Exchequer, extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676-1755
IMLS number: 1895-003, Memoirs of the life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik : baronet, baron of the Exchequer, extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676-1755
IMLS number: 1486-008, Historia Trojana
IMLS number: 1486-008, Historia Trojana
IMLS number: 1484-007, Anitii. Manlii. Seuerini. Boetii. V.C. & illustris: ex consulum ordine. comentarium. in Martii Tulii Ciceronis. librum Topicorum:
IMLS number: 1484-007, Anitii. Manlii. Seuerini. Boetii. V.C. & illustris: ex consulum ordine. comentarium. in Martii Tulii Ciceronis. librum Topicorum:
IMLS number: 1468-001, Opera
IMLS number: 1468-001, Opera
IMLS number: 1487-002, Epistolae in pontificatu editae
IMLS number: 1487-002, Epistolae in pontificatu editae
IMLS number: 14uu-021, Compendium Bibliae
IMLS number: 14uu-021, Compendium Bibliae
IMLS number: 1678-008, Padre espiritval; tratado de sv govierno, segvn el espiritv del glorioso San Francisco de Sale
IMLS number: 1678-008, Padre espiritval; tratado de sv govierno, segvn el espiritv del glorioso San Francisco de Sale
IMLS number: 1777-002, Q. Horatii Flacci emblemata; imaginibus in aes incises notisque illustrata studio Othoni Vaeni ... Nunc cura et opera Stephani Mulinari iterum in lucem edita
IMLS number: 1777-002, Q. Horatii Flacci emblemata; imaginibus in aes incises notisque illustrata studio Othoni Vaeni ... Nunc cura et opera Stephani Mulinari iterum in lucem edita
IMLS number: 1832-003, Civil architecture, or, A complete theoretical and practical system of building ...
IMLS number: 1832-003, Civil architecture, or, A complete theoretical and practical system of building ...
IMLS number: 1579-003, Rhetorica christiana ad concionandi et orandi vsvm accommodata, vtrivsque facvltatis exemplis svo loco insertis; qvae qvidem ex Indorvm maximè deprompta svnt historiis. Vnde praeter doctrinam, svm̃a qvoqve delectatio comparabitvr
IMLS number: 1579-003, Rhetorica christiana ad concionandi et orandi vsvm accommodata, vtrivsque facvltatis exemplis svo loco insertis; qvae qvidem ex Indorvm maximè deprompta svnt historiis. Vnde praeter doctrinam, svm̃a qvoqve delectatio comparabitvr
IMLS number: 1782-002, Two dissertations : I. On the Graecian mythology. II. An examination of Sir Isaac Newton's objections to the chronology of the Olympiads
IMLS number: 1782-002, Two dissertations : I. On the Graecian mythology. II. An examination of Sir Isaac Newton's objections to the chronology of the Olympiads
IMLS number: 1489-001, Esposizione De Credo In Dio
IMLS number: 1489-001, Esposizione De Credo In Dio
IMLS number: 14uu-002, Regiment of princes
IMLS number: 14uu-002, Regiment of princes
IMLS number: 1495-004, Summa angelica de casibus conscientie : cu[m] additionibus nouiter additis
IMLS number: 1495-004, Summa angelica de casibus conscientie : cu[m] additionibus nouiter additis
IMLS number: 1490-004, Cornucopiae
IMLS number: 1490-004, Cornucopiae
IMLS number: 1503-001, Magnencij Rabani Mauri De Laudib[us] sancte Crucis opus. erudicione versu prosaq[ue] mirificum
IMLS number: 1503-001, Magnencij Rabani Mauri De Laudib[us] sancte Crucis opus. erudicione versu prosaq[ue] mirificum
IMLS number: 1493-004, Catena aurea super quattuor evangelistas
IMLS number: 1493-004, Catena aurea super quattuor evangelistas
IMLS number: 1484-010, Opera. [Latin]
IMLS number: 1484-010, Opera. [Latin]
IMLS number: 1811-001, The vision of Don Roderick : a poem
IMLS number: 1811-001, The vision of Don Roderick : a poem
IMLS number: 1490-019, Comoediae
IMLS number: 1490-019, Comoediae
IMLS number: 1496-012, Suetonis vita caesarum
IMLS number: 1496-012, Suetonis vita caesarum
IMLS number: 1587-003, Protestation et defense pour le roy de Navarre Henry III. premier prince de France, & Henry, prince de Condé, aussi prince du mesme sang, contre l'iniuste & tyrannique bulle de Sixte V. publies à Romme, au mois de septembre 1585.
IMLS number: 1587-003, Protestation et defense pour le roy de Navarre Henry III. premier prince de France, & Henry, prince de Condé, aussi prince du mesme sang, contre l'iniuste & tyrannique bulle de Sixte V. publies à Romme, au mois de septembre 1585.
IMLS number: 1669-007, Astrologische Zeit und Wunder-Practica : in welcher nicht allein die Beschaffenheit des Gewitters und andere contingentische Sachen, so aus denen vier Haubt-Quartalen und wöchentlichen Constitutionen des Himmelsstands, Fortgang und
IMLS number: 1669-007, Astrologische Zeit und Wunder-Practica : in welcher nicht allein die Beschaffenheit des Gewitters und andere contingentische Sachen, so aus denen vier Haubt-Quartalen und wöchentlichen Constitutionen des Himmelsstands, Fortgang und
IMLS number: 1580-003, Tractatus de singularitate Antichristi contra nostri temporis haereticos breviter & dilucide, ac ob multarum cum historiarum, tum rerum cognitionem necessariam necessario ac saeculo huic accomodate conscriptus
IMLS number: 1580-003, Tractatus de singularitate Antichristi contra nostri temporis haereticos breviter & dilucide, ac ob multarum cum historiarum, tum rerum cognitionem necessariam necessario ac saeculo huic accomodate conscriptus
IMLS number: 1476-002, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum
IMLS number: 1476-002, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum
IMLS number: 1479-005, Summa De Virtutibus
IMLS number: 1479-005, Summa De Virtutibus
IMLS number: 14uu-016, Biblical commentary on the minor prophets Obadiah and Jonah, and the Gospel of Luke
IMLS number: 14uu-016, Biblical commentary on the minor prophets Obadiah and Jonah, and the Gospel of Luke
IMLS number: 1478-006, Sermones Dominicales
IMLS number: 1478-006, Sermones Dominicales
IMLS number: 1494-012, Opera
IMLS number: 1494-012, Opera
