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IMLS number: 1592-007, Christliche Visitation-Articul, wie dieselbige in Theses und Anti=Theses kürtzlich verfasset und in Anno 1592. Verrichteter Visistation der Kirchen und Schulen dieser Lande und Fürstenthume der Chur-Sachsen zu unterschreiben vorge
IMLS number: 1592-007, Christliche Visitation-Articul, wie dieselbige in Theses und Anti=Theses kürtzlich verfasset und in Anno 1592. Verrichteter Visistation der Kirchen und Schulen dieser Lande und Fürstenthume der Chur-Sachsen zu unterschreiben vorge
IMLS number: 1782-001, Some observations and remarks on a late publication, intitled, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
IMLS number: 1782-001, Some observations and remarks on a late publication, intitled, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
IMLS number: 1647-001, CVIII lectures upon the fourth of John : preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicester-shire
IMLS number: 1647-001, CVIII lectures upon the fourth of John : preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicester-shire
IMLS number: 1557-001, Biblia : vtriusque Testamenti : de quorum noua interpretatione et copiosissimus in eam annotationibus lege quam in limine operis habes epistolam
IMLS number: 1557-001, Biblia : vtriusque Testamenti : de quorum noua interpretatione et copiosissimus in eam annotationibus lege quam in limine operis habes epistolam
IMLS number: 1677-002, The history of the Church and state of Scotland, : beginning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed memory. In seven books ...
IMLS number: 1677-002, The history of the Church and state of Scotland, : beginning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed memory. In seven books ...
IMLS number: 1571-002, Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum : ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici 8. inchoata, deinde per Regem Edouardum 6. prouecta, adauctaq́[ue] in hunc modum, atq[ue] nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem aedita
IMLS number: 1571-002, Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum : ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici 8. inchoata, deinde per Regem Edouardum 6. prouecta, adauctaq́[ue] in hunc modum, atq[ue] nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem aedita
IMLS number: 1884-001, The works of Hubert Howe Bancroft
IMLS number: 1884-001, The works of Hubert Howe Bancroft
IMLS number: 1587-003, Protestation et defense pour le roy de Navarre Henry III. premier prince de France, & Henry, prince de Condé, aussi prince du mesme sang, contre l'iniuste & tyrannique bulle de Sixte V. publies à Romme, au mois de septembre 1585.
IMLS number: 1587-003, Protestation et defense pour le roy de Navarre Henry III. premier prince de France, & Henry, prince de Condé, aussi prince du mesme sang, contre l'iniuste & tyrannique bulle de Sixte V. publies à Romme, au mois de septembre 1585.
IMLS number: 1865-001, Major General William T. Sherman, and his campaign
IMLS number: 1865-001, Major General William T. Sherman, and his campaign
IMLS number: 1510-001, Regula smi pr[e]is Benedicti, et Declarationes patrum Congregationis Sancte Iustine. [De capitulo g[e]nali celebrando
IMLS number: 1510-001, Regula smi pr[e]is Benedicti, et Declarationes patrum Congregationis Sancte Iustine. [De capitulo g[e]nali celebrando
IMLS number: 1672-005, Titles of honor
IMLS number: 1672-005, Titles of honor