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1 to 15 of 15 Objects
IMLS number: 14uu-032, Alphabets, geometrically constructed, textura and rotunda letters
IMLS number: 14uu-032, Alphabets, geometrically constructed, textura and rotunda letters
IMLS number: 1614-003, Ierosolymitana peregrinatio illvstrissimi principis Nicolai Christophori Radzivili ...
IMLS number: 1614-003, Ierosolymitana peregrinatio illvstrissimi principis Nicolai Christophori Radzivili ...
IMLS number: 1535-002, M. Tullii Ciceronis Actionum in Verrem libri septem. Additis argumentis Asconii
IMLS number: 1535-002, M. Tullii Ciceronis Actionum in Verrem libri septem. Additis argumentis Asconii
IMLS number: 1532-001, Egesippus teütsch
IMLS number: 1532-001, Egesippus teütsch
IMLS number: 1676-002, Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of Our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. To which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great disp
IMLS number: 1676-002, Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of Our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. To which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great disp
IMLS number: 1539-001, Homiliae, hoc est, Sermones sive conciones ad populum : praestantissimorum ecclesiae catholicae doctorum, primam ab Alcuino Leuita iussu Caroli Magni in hunc ordinem redactae, & nunc demum praeter omnes omnium accessiones multis ali
IMLS number: 1539-001, Homiliae, hoc est, Sermones sive conciones ad populum : praestantissimorum ecclesiae catholicae doctorum, primam ab Alcuino Leuita iussu Caroli Magni in hunc ordinem redactae, & nunc demum praeter omnes omnium accessiones multis ali
IMLS number: 1541-004, Ruperti abbatis Tuitiensis De victoria Verbi Dei
IMLS number: 1541-004, Ruperti abbatis Tuitiensis De victoria Verbi Dei
IMLS number: 1699-002, Theocriti quae extant, cum graecis scholiis, notis et indicibus
IMLS number: 1699-002, Theocriti quae extant, cum graecis scholiis, notis et indicibus
IMLS number: 1601-001, Tafereel der religions verschillen, handelnde vande kercke, haeren naem, beschryvinge, teekenen, hooft, eygenschappen, gesteltenisse, geloove en leeringe der selver, in d'welck .. voor oogen gestelt ... wordē alle de ... voorstelli
IMLS number: 1601-001, Tafereel der religions verschillen, handelnde vande kercke, haeren naem, beschryvinge, teekenen, hooft, eygenschappen, gesteltenisse, geloove en leeringe der selver, in d'welck .. voor oogen gestelt ... wordē alle de ... voorstelli
IMLS number: 1558-003, Von der Sünden vnd Gnad, Adam vnd Christo. Corpus doctrinæ Christianæ. Wie auch der menschmöge erkhennen, ob er vnderm Regiment der Gnaden oder Sünde lige, das ist, Ob er ain kind Gottes vnd ain rechter Christ sei. Gantz onpartei
IMLS number: 1558-003, Von der Sünden vnd Gnad, Adam vnd Christo. Corpus doctrinæ Christianæ. Wie auch der menschmöge erkhennen, ob er vnderm Regiment der Gnaden oder Sünde lige, das ist, Ob er ain kind Gottes vnd ain rechter Christ sei. Gantz onpartei
IMLS number: 1872-001, Ancient America, in notes on American archaeology
IMLS number: 1872-001, Ancient America, in notes on American archaeology
IMLS number: 1736-005, Baronia anglica. An history of land-honors and baronies, and f tenure in capite. Verfied by records
IMLS number: 1736-005, Baronia anglica. An history of land-honors and baronies, and f tenure in capite. Verfied by records
IMLS number: 1582-001, Proeve. Vande Nederlantsche catechismo omme to verstaen. Of die voort gecomē is wte Godlÿcke schrift, wt gegeven tot allemains oordeel en̄ waerschouwinge
IMLS number: 1582-001, Proeve. Vande Nederlantsche catechismo omme to verstaen. Of die voort gecomē is wte Godlÿcke schrift, wt gegeven tot allemains oordeel en̄ waerschouwinge
IMLS number: 1854-002, Ascultation and Percussion
IMLS number: 1854-002, Ascultation and Percussion
IMLS number: 1841-002, Notes on the United States of North America : during a phrenological visit in 1838-9-40
IMLS number: 1841-002, Notes on the United States of North America : during a phrenological visit in 1838-9-40