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IMLS number: 1793-001, The laws of nations.
IMLS number: 1793-001, The laws of nations.
IMLS number: 1678-009, Augustini Barbosae .... Pastoralis solicitudinis, sive De officio, et potestate episcopi tripartita descriptio. Nunc ultimum ab ipso auctore recognita, variis resolutionibus exornata, & multis doctorum citationibus, aliisqu accessio
IMLS number: 1678-009, Augustini Barbosae .... Pastoralis solicitudinis, sive De officio, et potestate episcopi tripartita descriptio. Nunc ultimum ab ipso auctore recognita, variis resolutionibus exornata, & multis doctorum citationibus, aliisqu accessio
IMLS number: 1823-002, Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren : with a brief view of the progress of architecture in England, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the First to the end of the seventeenth century ; and an appendix of au
IMLS number: 1823-002, Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren : with a brief view of the progress of architecture in England, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the First to the end of the seventeenth century ; and an appendix of au
IMLS number: 1604-003, De rerum aeternitate: Nicolai Taurelli Montbelgardensis .... Metaphysices universalis partes quatuor. : In quibus placita Aristotelis, Vallesii, Piccolominei .... discutiuntur ...
IMLS number: 1604-003, De rerum aeternitate: Nicolai Taurelli Montbelgardensis .... Metaphysices universalis partes quatuor. : In quibus placita Aristotelis, Vallesii, Piccolominei .... discutiuntur ...
IMLS number: 1726-001, Firma burgi, or, An historical essay concerning the cities, towns and buroughs of England. : Taken from records
IMLS number: 1726-001, Firma burgi, or, An historical essay concerning the cities, towns and buroughs of England. : Taken from records
IMLS number: 1691-003, Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland, of, Te omstandelyke beschryving van alles, : het welke op des zelfs komste en geduurende zyn verblyf, in's Graavenhaage en elders, ten teeken van vreu
IMLS number: 1691-003, Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland, of, Te omstandelyke beschryving van alles, : het welke op des zelfs komste en geduurende zyn verblyf, in's Graavenhaage en elders, ten teeken van vreu
IMLS number: 1611-008, Rerum Venetarum ab urbe condita ad annum M.D. LXXV. historia Petri Justiniani, Patritii Veneti ...
IMLS number: 1611-008, Rerum Venetarum ab urbe condita ad annum M.D. LXXV. historia Petri Justiniani, Patritii Veneti ...
IMLS number: 1740-001, Histoire du ciel : considéré selon les idées des poëtes, des philosophes, et de Moïse
IMLS number: 1740-001, Histoire du ciel : considéré selon les idées des poëtes, des philosophes, et de Moïse
IMLS number: 1740-003, Histoire universelle
IMLS number: 1740-003, Histoire universelle
IMLS number: 1641-001, Klēmentos Alexandreōs ta euriskomena = Clementis Alexandrini Opera graece et latine quae extant
IMLS number: 1641-001, Klēmentos Alexandreōs ta euriskomena = Clementis Alexandrini Opera graece et latine quae extant
IMLS number: 1789-001, Travels in Switzerland. In a series of letters to William Melmoth, esq., from William Coxe ...
IMLS number: 1789-001, Travels in Switzerland. In a series of letters to William Melmoth, esq., from William Coxe ...