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1 to 18 of 18 Objects
IMLS number: 1771-001, Osservazioni di Antonio Visentini ... che servono di continuazione al trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini sopra gli errori degli architetti
IMLS number: 1771-001, Osservazioni di Antonio Visentini ... che servono di continuazione al trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini sopra gli errori degli architetti
IMLS number: 1780-002, Coutumes générales et locales du pays et duché de Bourbonnois : avec le commentaire dans lequel ces coutumes sont expliquées, suivant les observations manuscrites & sentimens des plus savans Magistrats & plus habiles avocats de
IMLS number: 1780-002, Coutumes générales et locales du pays et duché de Bourbonnois : avec le commentaire dans lequel ces coutumes sont expliquées, suivant les observations manuscrites & sentimens des plus savans Magistrats & plus habiles avocats de
IMLS number: 1747-005, Biographia britannica; or, The lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages, down to the present times
IMLS number: 1747-005, Biographia britannica; or, The lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages, down to the present times
IMLS number: 1648-004, The theatre of Gods judgements: wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, great and small, specially against the most eminent persons in the world whose exorbitant power had broke through the
IMLS number: 1648-004, The theatre of Gods judgements: wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, great and small, specially against the most eminent persons in the world whose exorbitant power had broke through the
IMLS number: 1742-002, A further report from the Committee of Secresy, appointed to enquire into the conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford : during the last ten years of his being first commissioner of the treasury, and chancellor and under-treasurer of His M
IMLS number: 1742-002, A further report from the Committee of Secresy, appointed to enquire into the conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford : during the last ten years of his being first commissioner of the treasury, and chancellor and under-treasurer of His M
IMLS number: 1559-005, Kirchenordnung : wie es mit christlicher Lere Reichung der Sacrament, Ordination der Diener des Euangelij, ordenlichen Ceremonien, in den Kirchen, Visitation Consistorio vnd Schulen, zu Witteberg vnd in etlichen Chur vnd Fürstenthu
IMLS number: 1559-005, Kirchenordnung : wie es mit christlicher Lere Reichung der Sacrament, Ordination der Diener des Euangelij, ordenlichen Ceremonien, in den Kirchen, Visitation Consistorio vnd Schulen, zu Witteberg vnd in etlichen Chur vnd Fürstenthu
IMLS number: 1585-002, Controversiarvm aliqvot praecipvarvm fidei Christianae : svccinctae & accuratae explicationes, in collegio Posnaniensi duersis temporibus in disputationem publicam per assertiones propositae. Quarum indicem auersa demonstrat pagina.
IMLS number: 1585-002, Controversiarvm aliqvot praecipvarvm fidei Christianae : svccinctae & accuratae explicationes, in collegio Posnaniensi duersis temporibus in disputationem publicam per assertiones propositae. Quarum indicem auersa demonstrat pagina.
IMLS number: 1622-004, R.P. Christophori Maier Soc.tis Iesu SS. Theol. Professoris in Universitate Viennense Ordinarij Octo fidei controversiae ob quas solas plerique hoc tempore difficultatem haberit redunda ad ecclesiam manifestè catholicam
IMLS number: 1622-004, R.P. Christophori Maier Soc.tis Iesu SS. Theol. Professoris in Universitate Viennense Ordinarij Octo fidei controversiae ob quas solas plerique hoc tempore difficultatem haberit redunda ad ecclesiam manifestè catholicam
IMLS number: 1737-004, A supplement to Plutarch's Lives : containing Aeneas, Tullus Hostilius, Aristomenes, Tarquin the Elder, L. Junius Brutus, Gelo, Cyrus, Jason, faithfully extracted from the Greek and Latin historians by Tho. Rowe. And Hannibal
IMLS number: 1737-004, A supplement to Plutarch's Lives : containing Aeneas, Tullus Hostilius, Aristomenes, Tarquin the Elder, L. Junius Brutus, Gelo, Cyrus, Jason, faithfully extracted from the Greek and Latin historians by Tho. Rowe. And Hannibal
IMLS number: 1681-004, Grimalkin; or, The rebel-cat: a novell. Representing the unwearied attempts of the beasts of his faction against sovereignty and succession since the death of the Lyons in the Tower
IMLS number: 1681-004, Grimalkin; or, The rebel-cat: a novell. Representing the unwearied attempts of the beasts of his faction against sovereignty and succession since the death of the Lyons in the Tower
IMLS number: 1582-004, De dignitate ordinis ecclesiastici regni Poloniae
IMLS number: 1582-004, De dignitate ordinis ecclesiastici regni Poloniae
IMLS number: 1798-002, Voyage autour du monde : pendant les années 1790, 1791, et 1792, par Étienne Marchand, précédé d'une introduction historique ; auquel on a joint des recherches sur les terres australes de Drake, et un examen critique du voyage
IMLS number: 1798-002, Voyage autour du monde : pendant les années 1790, 1791, et 1792, par Étienne Marchand, précédé d'une introduction historique ; auquel on a joint des recherches sur les terres australes de Drake, et un examen critique du voyage
IMLS number: 1582-003, De la verité de la religion chrestienne : contre les athées, epicuriens, payens, iuifs, mahumedistes, & autres infideles
IMLS number: 1582-003, De la verité de la religion chrestienne : contre les athées, epicuriens, payens, iuifs, mahumedistes, & autres infideles
IMLS number: 1770-001, Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III celebratum Mexici anno MDLXXXV. : Præside D.D. Petro Moya, et contreras Archiepiscopo ejusdem urbis. Confirmatum Romæ die XXVII. Octobris anno MDLXXXIX
IMLS number: 1770-001, Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III celebratum Mexici anno MDLXXXV. : Præside D.D. Petro Moya, et contreras Archiepiscopo ejusdem urbis. Confirmatum Romæ die XXVII. Octobris anno MDLXXXIX
IMLS number: 1603-002, Hispaniae illvstratæ; sev. Rervm. vrbivmq. Hispaniæ, Lvsitaniæ, Æthiopiæ et Indiæ scriptores varii
IMLS number: 1603-002, Hispaniae illvstratæ; sev. Rervm. vrbivmq. Hispaniæ, Lvsitaniæ, Æthiopiæ et Indiæ scriptores varii
IMLS number: 1567-007, Ein bescheidener historischer vnschmalischer Bericht an alle Churfürsten, Fürsten vnd Stende dess Reichs ...
IMLS number: 1567-007, Ein bescheidener historischer vnschmalischer Bericht an alle Churfürsten, Fürsten vnd Stende dess Reichs ...
IMLS number: 1780-001, Coutumes générales et locales du pays et duché de Bourbonnois : avec le commentaire dans lequel ces coutumes sont expliquées, suivant les observations manuscrites & sentimens des plus savans Magistrats & plus habiles avocats de
IMLS number: 1780-001, Coutumes générales et locales du pays et duché de Bourbonnois : avec le commentaire dans lequel ces coutumes sont expliquées, suivant les observations manuscrites & sentimens des plus savans Magistrats & plus habiles avocats de
IMLS number: 1882-001, Selections from the poetry of Robert Herrick
IMLS number: 1882-001, Selections from the poetry of Robert Herrick