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1 to 21 of 21 Objects
IMLS number: 1624-002, Lettres de l'illustrissime et révérendissime cardinal d'Ossat, évesque de Bayevx, au roy Henry le Grand et à Monsieur de Villeroy, depuis l'année M.D.XCIV iusques à l'année M.DC.IIII
IMLS number: 1624-002, Lettres de l'illustrissime et révérendissime cardinal d'Ossat, évesque de Bayevx, au roy Henry le Grand et à Monsieur de Villeroy, depuis l'année M.D.XCIV iusques à l'année M.DC.IIII
IMLS number: 1543-003, Replica
IMLS number: 1543-003, Replica
IMLS number: 1533-001, Von dem falschen Blut vnd Abgott jm Thum zu Schwerin : mit einer schönen Vorrede D. Mart. Luth
IMLS number: 1533-001, Von dem falschen Blut vnd Abgott jm Thum zu Schwerin : mit einer schönen Vorrede D. Mart. Luth
IMLS number: 1519-001, In diui Pauli epistolas cū breuis tum perlucida expositio nuper Argentorati stanneis calamis primum excusa
IMLS number: 1519-001, In diui Pauli epistolas cū breuis tum perlucida expositio nuper Argentorati stanneis calamis primum excusa
IMLS number: 1707-002, Ceremonial de las Missas : solemnes cantadas, con diaconos ò sin ellos, segun las rubricas del Missal Romano, ultimamente recognito por su Santidad Urbano VIII., con reparos nuevos, y curiosos ...
IMLS number: 1707-002, Ceremonial de las Missas : solemnes cantadas, con diaconos ò sin ellos, segun las rubricas del Missal Romano, ultimamente recognito por su Santidad Urbano VIII., con reparos nuevos, y curiosos ...
IMLS number: 1585-007, Les edicts et ordonnances des roys de France depvis S. Loys ivsqves à present
IMLS number: 1585-007, Les edicts et ordonnances des roys de France depvis S. Loys ivsqves à present
IMLS number: 1582-002, De situ orbis libri tres
IMLS number: 1582-002, De situ orbis libri tres
IMLS number: 1609-002, Collectio constitutionum imperialium : hoc est, DD. NN. imperatorum, caesarum, ac regum augustorum, Sacri Imperii Germano-Romani, recessus, ordinationes, decreta, rescripta, mandata & edicta .... ab instauratione primae monarchiae G
IMLS number: 1609-002, Collectio constitutionum imperialium : hoc est, DD. NN. imperatorum, caesarum, ac regum augustorum, Sacri Imperii Germano-Romani, recessus, ordinationes, decreta, rescripta, mandata & edicta .... ab instauratione primae monarchiae G
IMLS number: 1566-003, Dialogi sex contra svmmi pontificatvs, monasticae vitae, sanctorvm, sacrarvm imaginvm oppvgnatores, et psevomartyres ...
IMLS number: 1566-003, Dialogi sex contra svmmi pontificatvs, monasticae vitae, sanctorvm, sacrarvm imaginvm oppvgnatores, et psevomartyres ...
IMLS number: 1494-006, Historia destructionis Troiae
IMLS number: 1494-006, Historia destructionis Troiae
IMLS number: 1864-004, The plays of William Shakespeare
IMLS number: 1864-004, The plays of William Shakespeare
IMLS number: 1747-001, The whole proceedings in the House of Peers upon the impeachment exhibited by the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, in the names of themselves and of all the commons of Great Britain, against Simon, Lord Lova
IMLS number: 1747-001, The whole proceedings in the House of Peers upon the impeachment exhibited by the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, in the names of themselves and of all the commons of Great Britain, against Simon, Lord Lova
IMLS number: 1689-001, The late proceedings and notes of the Parliament of Scotland, contained in an address delivered to the King ... stated and vindicated
IMLS number: 1689-001, The late proceedings and notes of the Parliament of Scotland, contained in an address delivered to the King ... stated and vindicated
IMLS number: 1659-012, Irenicum catholicum; oder, Allgemeiner Religion-Frid. Das ist, kurtze, und nicht allein in der H. Göttlichen Schrifft, sondern auch in der Augspurgischen Cofession gegründte Beweysung, dass alle, so zu dieser sich bekennen, mit de
IMLS number: 1659-012, Irenicum catholicum; oder, Allgemeiner Religion-Frid. Das ist, kurtze, und nicht allein in der H. Göttlichen Schrifft, sondern auch in der Augspurgischen Cofession gegründte Beweysung, dass alle, so zu dieser sich bekennen, mit de
IMLS number: 1592-003, Herodotou Halikarnassēos Historiōn logoi th, epigraphomenoi Mousai. : Tou autou Exēgēsis peri tēs Homērou biotēs. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarvm lib. IX, IX Musarum nominibus inscripti. Eiusdem Narratio de vita Homeri. Cu
IMLS number: 1592-003, Herodotou Halikarnassēos Historiōn logoi th, epigraphomenoi Mousai. : Tou autou Exēgēsis peri tēs Homērou biotēs. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarvm lib. IX, IX Musarum nominibus inscripti. Eiusdem Narratio de vita Homeri. Cu
IMLS number: 1761-002, The English works of Roger Ascham ...
IMLS number: 1761-002, The English works of Roger Ascham ...
IMLS number: 1734-002, Historia ecclesiae gandershemensis cathedralis ac collegiatae diplomatica ...
IMLS number: 1734-002, Historia ecclesiae gandershemensis cathedralis ac collegiatae diplomatica ...
IMLS number: 1683-007, De la frequente communion : Ou les sentimens des peres, des papes, et des conciles, touchant l'usage des sacremens de penitence et d'eucharistie, sont fidelement exposez...
IMLS number: 1683-007, De la frequente communion : Ou les sentimens des peres, des papes, et des conciles, touchant l'usage des sacremens de penitence et d'eucharistie, sont fidelement exposez...
IMLS number: 1484-015, Sermones thesauri noui tempori
IMLS number: 1484-015, Sermones thesauri noui tempori
IMLS number: 1556-005, Harphii Theologi.
IMLS number: 1556-005, Harphii Theologi.
IMLS number: 1765-005, Sepolcro Di Metella
IMLS number: 1765-005, Sepolcro Di Metella