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1 to 47 of 47 Objects
After all, we don't have much to do with it
After all, we don't have much to do with it
The giant and the Lilliputians
The giant and the Lilliputians
Being a Jack the Giant Killer ain't what it used to be
Being a Jack the Giant Killer ain't what it used to be
Blaming it on the roof
Blaming it on the roof
He never looks that big when we try to get him to do anything around home
He never looks that big when we try to get him to do anything around home
No savage, no beast, ever got its food and clothes by working the life out of children
No savage, no beast, ever got its food and clothes by working the life out of children
Our self-imposed slavery (Also titled) Slaves to our own folly, we have no one to blame but ourselves if we do not insist on emancipation
Our self-imposed slavery (Also titled) Slaves to our own folly, we have no one to blame but ourselves if we do not insist on emancipation
Oh, we've been practicing Dr. Coue's theory in this country for some time.
Oh, we've been practicing Dr. Coue's theory in this country for some time.
In search of a happier environment.
In search of a happier environment.
After all, where's another that can fill 'em?
After all, where's another that can fill 'em?
We could still go back to him and yet make great progress.
We could still go back to him and yet make great progress.
What a vote with Carroll, Hull and Smith means.
What a vote with Carroll, Hull and Smith means.
After all, civilization is only skin deep
After all, civilization is only skin deep
Letting the genie out of the bottle [subtitle] the Des Moines Register & Tribune, 1943
Letting the genie out of the bottle [subtitle] the Des Moines Register & Tribune, 1943
My goodness, Willie, how you've grown!
My goodness, Willie, how you've grown!
The Post-Season Game. How can a man expect to make a gain through a line like that?
The Post-Season Game. How can a man expect to make a gain through a line like that?
The Sleeping Giant
The Sleeping Giant
Under the present laws the veteran whose compensation is based on war-incurred injuries gets less than half of the total. The portion of the non-serving is increasingly steadily
Under the present laws the veteran whose compensation is based on war-incurred injuries gets less than half of the total. The portion of the non-serving is increasingly steadily
So fast we may go and no faster
So fast we may go and no faster
The kind of impression Taft made in Iowa.
The kind of impression Taft made in Iowa.
There comes that horrid, rough boy again!
There comes that horrid, rough boy again!
Letting the genie out of the bottle.
Letting the genie out of the bottle.
Meet the business manager.
Meet the business manager.
The new Jack and the bean stalk
The new Jack and the bean stalk
Uncle Joe is down converting (?) Kansas
Uncle Joe is down converting (?) Kansas
Very careless driving, Mr. Foraker.
Very careless driving, Mr. Foraker.
Joe Cannon converting (?) Kansas to stand-patism
Joe Cannon converting (?) Kansas to stand-patism
Keokuk is giving away a very successful performance in the roll of Rip Van Winkle
Keokuk is giving away a very successful performance in the roll of Rip Van Winkle
Completely in the shade.
Completely in the shade.
President Roosevelt viewed in the light of today. Theodore Roosevelt as he will appear in future generations.
President Roosevelt viewed in the light of today. Theodore Roosevelt as he will appear in future generations.
The overshadowing issue
The overshadowing issue
Our national representatives.
Our national representatives.
Roosevelt: "Sakes alive! How you startled me"
Hunting under difficulties
Hunting under difficulties
The Iowa Awards
The Iowa Awards
The seven labors of Hercules
The seven labors of Hercules
Mr. Taft's standing in Ohio.
Mr. Taft's standing in Ohio.
There ain't goin' to be any core.
There ain't goin' to be any core.
Sharing the fruits of conquest
Sharing the fruits of conquest
The rush for the new gold field
The rush for the new gold field
Strange what has become of all those presidential candidates.
Strange what has become of all those presidential candidates.
Up against heavy odds.
Up against heavy odds.
Doctor, you don't think he is incurable, do you?
Doctor, you don't think he is incurable, do you?
Taking the matter in his own hands.
Taking the matter in his own hands.
The final test.
The final test.
Quieting a nuisance.
Quieting a nuisance.
The awakening of the Mongolian giant.
The awakening of the Mongolian giant.