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Blue stars for servicewomen
Blue stars for servicewomen
Cash donations for food train will be received
Cash donations for food train will be received
WAVES in Ames for two days
WAVES in Ames for two days
Friendship train contributes thermometer
Friendship train contributes thermometer
WAVES report for duty
WAVES report for duty
SPARs recruit in Ames
SPARs recruit in Ames
Carloads of food ready for Europe
Carloads of food ready for Europe
WAAC to speak to rural youth group
WAAC to speak to rural youth group
Mass induction of WAVES here early in January
Mass induction of WAVES here early in January
Air WACaravan here on June 1
Air WACaravan here on June 1
WAVE officers on ISC campus
WAVE officers on ISC campus
Mayors discuss friendship train plans
Mayors discuss friendship train plans
17 Ames girls now serve in the WAC
17 Ames girls now serve in the WAC
First WAVE officer at I. S. C.
First WAVE officer at I. S. C.
WAVES here to recruit
WAVES here to recruit
Local citizens food group will be in charge details for participation November 7
Local citizens food group will be in charge details for participation November 7
WAAC will speak at youth assembly
WAAC will speak at youth assembly
WAAC officer gives information on women in war
WAAC officer gives information on women in war
Beardshear school surpasses food goal
Beardshear school surpasses food goal
WAVES now aboard at training school
WAVES now aboard at training school
WAAC to hold rally
WAAC to hold rally
WAAC is speaker
WAAC is speaker
Women to hear WAAC, WAVE discussion tonight
Women to hear WAAC, WAVE discussion tonight
Former national president to initiate members
Former national president to initiate members
WAVES in Ames through Saturday
WAVES in Ames through Saturday
Plan canvass of city for food funds
Plan canvass of city for food funds
Lots of former Cyclone athletes now serving with armed forces
Lots of former Cyclone athletes now serving with armed forces
$199 more for food from Jenny
$199 more for food from Jenny
Describe women's war opportunities
Describe women's war opportunities
Jenny is going to be sold to help out needy Europeans
Jenny is going to be sold to help out needy Europeans
WAC program to be explained here on Friday
WAC program to be explained here on Friday
WAVES class to hear Lieut. Pyper
WAVES class to hear Lieut. Pyper
WAVES recruiting in Ames
WAVES recruiting in Ames
WAC program to be explained here on Friday
WAC program to be explained here on Friday
75 attend meeting
75 attend meeting
WAVE center to open Thursday
WAVE center to open Thursday
High School boys help load Friendship Train
High School boys help load Friendship Train
$15,780.88 collected for Friendship train when it reaches Ames
$15,780.88 collected for Friendship train when it reaches Ames
Friendship train arrives in few days-urge donations immediately to make goal
Friendship train arrives in few days-urge donations immediately to make goal
Recruit WAVES in Ames August 17 through August 19
Recruit WAVES in Ames August 17 through August 19
WAC officer to speak at Gilbert event
WAC officer to speak at Gilbert event
Representatives of WAACs, WAVES to visit campus
Representatives of WAACs, WAVES to visit campus
Students load 851 cans of milk on train
Students load 851 cans of milk on train
Mass induction of WAVES here early in January
Mass induction of WAVES here early in January
Friendship train to stop here to collect food for Europe
Friendship train to stop here to collect food for Europe
Women at war
Women at war
4 cars of food shipped
4 cars of food shipped
Helga Weil finds horrors of concentration camp are difficult to forget in Ams
Helga Weil finds horrors of concentration camp are difficult to forget in Ams
